Jim's answers, estimates, advice about repowering, and specific questions about the used and new equipment and parts we sell.

How do I know if my original engine is a horizontal or vertical shaft engine?
The engine is a vertical shaft engine when the engine shaft is sticking out the bottom of the tractor. It is a horizontal shaft when the shaft is pointing out the front, rear, or the side of the tractor.

I need some advice. I have a Bayliner boat:1400 lbs. My garage is a three car with a sloping driveway, not long, but the street slopes. I would like to use a John Deere lawn tractor to pull the boat in and out of the garage. Also to plow the snow off during the winter snows with a snow blade. I was told that the John Deere's at Home Depot were two small. John Deere said they did not recommend pulling the boat with any of their lawn
tractors. I see on e-bay 212s, 316s, 317s and larger numbers. Will any of these work?? I was told to look at the utility ATV's. I wanted to get a John Deere. is that out of the question?
It's true the so called tractors at Home Depot are too lightly built to take that kind of load. The regular John Deere garden tractor like the 318, that is well built, has power steering, and also has hydraulics to lift and angle a snow blade for your snow removal. The 212, 316, & 317 will work also. They are sturdy workhorses. I could do the kind of work you are talking about with my John Deere 140 that is a small, older, tractor. (a picture of it is on our site, it's not for sale though :-) )
My recommendation would be the 318 because of the hydraulics and power steering.

I have a 1968 140 John Deere garden tractor and I am looking for a replacement engine. Could you give me a price quote on the 18hp engine, and what ever I would need to install it? Do these kits come with instructions? Are the engines the same size and do they fit without any modification to the frame?
Yes, we install the V Twin Vanguard engines in the John Deere 140's all of the time. You do not need to do any frame cutting. We have some wiring instructions with the kit. We found what works best is after you get the kit and the engine, start doing the job, if you run into problems give me a call on my 800 number and I can talk you through any questions you have.

I saw your article in Farm Show magazine. I have a 316 JD and would like to repower it. What do you suggest? Do you sell a kit that includes adapter for Briggs motors for this model? Mine is a hydro. Do the transmissions hold up ok when you add extra horsepower?
I need to know what year your tractor is or the serial number. There were 3 different John Deere 316's made. The serial number is located below the steering wheel down on the lower part of the console, below the ignition switch. I need the last six digits.
As far as the transmissions go, I am in Garden Tractor pulling and in one tractor I had put in a Chevy Geo Metro Engine in the hydro John Deere 317. The transmission and rear end held up fine. The all are very tough tractors.

I am searching for a lawn mower sized front-end dirt/manure loader for use in constructing and maintaining worm beds on my bait farm. I need something less than 4 feet wide to maneuver between the beds indoors and outdoors. I saw a photo of this type equipment on your website ad. I am interested in used equipment in good dependable condition.
Yes, I have a front end loader we can put on a smaller garden tractor. The width of the bucket is only 36 inches. We can put this unit on a John Deere 316 with a hydrostatic transmission, weighted down and ready to go, for $3900. this would also include labor to install the loader on the tractor.

Could you tell me about a repower kit for a John Deere 314 2 cylinder Briggs, or Vanguard Engine?
In a John Deere 314 we usually put in the Vanguard 18 Horse Power engine. The custom installation kit includes the stub shaft kit, oil filter adapter, oil filter kit, exhaust manifold, muffler, relay, throttle cable, choke cable, and exhaust gaskets.
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In the December issue of Farm Show magazine I saw the article on your converting garden tractors to Vanguard engines. Have you ever done an Economy Power King? I have one from the sixties with a 14 hp. Kohler engine and it is a terrible thing to start when cold or sitting for a while. I would like to know about a possible conversion.
Yes, the Vanguards will fit in without extending the frame. We have them available in
18 HP, 21 HP, 23 HP, and 31 HP. We have the made to order installation kits for each.

I have a JD 317 that has the original Kohler engine. I'd like to know if it is worthwhile to rebuild the Kohler or to repower into something else you have available. If I were to repower with a Vanguard engine how much would it cost if you redo at your facility or what would be the cost if I do myself? I've pulled the engine 3 times already to replace the driveshaft when the universal joints and starter have worn out. Are there any brackets and spacers to make the new engine work in this frame and what would be the cost of the engine and any extra brackets? Does anything else need to be done to the frame and or drive of the 317? I have a mower deck, tiller and snow blower for the 317 so it's kind of hard to part with the old one unless I can find something with all the attachments without to many $$$$ to boot!
Yes we have put a lot of Vanguard engines in John Deere 317’s. We have available the 18, 21, and 23 horse power engines. With the Vanguard engine weighing about 45 pounds less the tractor almost feels like you have power steering. The engine has a two year commercial warrantee with it.

I've got a model 72 Cub cadet w/ a well used 7hp Kohler engine. I'd like to replace it with either a Honda or Briggs somewhere around 11-13 hp. How difficult would this swap be and what in terms of $$ would it cost.
PS: Saw the story in Farm Show
Yes, Put in one of those V Twin 2 cylinder 18 HP Vanguard engines instead of an obsolete one cylinder engine. We have them in stock.

I have a Briggs & Stratton Model 243434. It has A 1" horizontal shaft. Can this be replaced with a Vanguard engine of equal size with electric starter?
Yes these engines will fit in almost anyplace that you may have pulled the old style engine out of. I do also have them in stock with and electric start.

I have a 1100 cub cadet with a 11hp Kohler motor and was wondering if either a 14hp or 16 hp Briggs would work in that frame
I never knew that tractor had a Kohler in it. I thought that tractor came out with the 11 HP Briggs. The 16 HP Vanguard will run much smoother because of the V Twin overhead engine design.

Interested in prices for installation kits & or engine kits for a JD 318 which needs a motor. would like put as large of a motor as possible in it.
We put in those V Twin overhead valve Vanguards that really work well with that application. I have 3 different horse power ratings available. 18 HP, 21 HP and 23 HP.

I have a couple of Gravely riders that I would like to repower. Do you have any experience in installing the Vanguard engine in these? If so, do you sell the required adaptor parts? One is an 816S (single cylinder 16 hp Briggs) and the other is an 8183T (twin Onan).
(I Saw an your feature in the Farm Show magazine)
Yes, we have done Gravely transplants. We have 18 HP, 21 HP, and 23 HP Vanguards.

Just wondering if you offer a kit of some sort to repower a John Deere 317. my kt-17 is getting tired and i would like to repower it with a motor that has full pressurized lube with an oil filter.
Yes, we have the 317 kit in stock. We have great success with the John Deere 317's. The repower job works out well.
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Came across your name and website via a case tractor discussion group.
I am interested in repowering my 1973 Case 446 tractor (original engine
is an Onan BF/MS-2434). Do you know of a good replacement? What kind of
retrofit would be required? Any help you can provide (including estimate
on price for engine and parts) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
What does the installation kit include? Muffler & manifold, electrical conversions, etc.? Will this setup allow for the re-installation of the pulley/clutch/fan assembly on the front of the engine? What is the extent of frame modifications, if any, that need to be made? In your opinion, is there a significant advantage to going with the higher HP engine? (I haven't had any apparent problems with the 16 HP Onan bogging down--despite the fact that it is in need of a serious rebuild). Are the engine dimensions, etc. comparable for both the 16 and 18 HP Vanguards? Engine color? (black or red?--a minor detail, but the red would look a bit out of place on this tractor!). The Vanguards will be about 50 pounds lighter than the Onan?--I guess that means I'll need to add some weight on the front for tilling and plowing.
Yes, we put in the V Twin Vanguard engines and they work very well. We have an optional electric PTO clutch too. This is quite a unit when it is completed.

Jim, I am looking for a snowblower for my John Deere 420. Could you let me know if you have a used one?
Yes, we have a nice used single stage snow blower for a JD 420 in stock at this time.
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Repowering Garden Tractors and other equipment
Garden Tractor Attachments
Hydrostatic Transmission Rebuilding
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Repowering Case Garden Tractors
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