Directions to Simply the best used lawn and garden equipment to be found

Jim's Repair/Jim's Tractors is 3 miles straight south of Emerald Green Golf Course on Goodwin Ave.
From the North: Traveling South on Hwy 52, take the Cty Rd 46 exit, take a right off the exit taking you over Hwy 52 and traveling East. Stay on Cty Rd 46 for approximately 4 miles. Goodwin Ave. (Cty Rd 85) intersects with Cty Rd 46. Turn right (South) on Goodwin Ave. and travel about 1/4 mile. Alternately you can use Hwy 61 south, turn right (West) onto Cty Rd 46 (in Hastings) and travel 6 miles. At Goodwin Ave. turn left (South) and go about 1/4 mile.
From the South: Traveling North on Hwy 52, take the Cty Rd 46 exit, take a right
off the exit traveling East. Stay on Cty Rd 46 for approximately 4 miles. Goodwin Ave.
(Cty Rd 85) intersects with Cty Rd 46. Turn right (South) on Goodwin Ave. and
travel about 1/4 mile. Alternately you can use Hwy 61 North, turn left (West)
onto Cty Rd 46 (in Hastings) and travel 6 miles. At Goodwin Ave. turn left (South) and go about 1/4 mile.

Jim's Repair/Jim's Tractors
Jim and Bonnie Kaczmarek
16330 Goodwin Avenue
Hastings, MN 55033
Call Jim at 1-800-618-8738