Garden Tractors - Compact Tractors - Vintage Tractors - Deere Gators
Tractor Questions and Answers
Jim goes through each piece of equipment completely. He makes sure it's running great and looks good. Some have been repowered, all will get new parts and service if necessary. He takes pride in everything he sells.
Do you want to repower your John Deere Lawn or garden tractor?
John Deere 420 Garden Tractor With Front End Loader - $5800

Triple hydraulics and double hydraulics on the front end loader. The loader has hydraulic down pressure. 20 hp Onan engine, 2 speed rear end, hydrostatic transmission, posi lock rear end. Weight box on the rear
John Deere 425 Garden Tractor
54 Inch Mower Deck

Power Steering-Cruise Control-Tilt Steering wheel-20 HP water cooled engine-This is one of John Deere's higher quality garden tractors, get something you will we proud to bring home. $3800
Please do not compare these John Deere's with the type you see at Home Depot and other similar stores. These are real workhorses and much more heavy duty.
Our first Lawn and Garden tractor was a John Deere 140. We bought it in 1972, 38 years ago. We have used it under extreme conditions, moving cars out of snow banks, lifting and transporting engines, etc.
People have said, "You can't get my pickup out with that little tractor." We did. It is just amazing what these little tractors can do.
It's seen a lot of snow blowing, roto-tilling, and tractor pulls. It's still in use and going strong.
If you like real power, and good resale value, consider a good sturdy John Deere.
These small tractors will have no problem moving your boat in and out of your garage or your small airplane around the airport.
Ready to buy a garden tractor or want more information?
Give us a call:
Cell 651-208-7199
or e-mail jims.tractors@gmail.com
If you just can't read enough about garden tractors visit our web log for posts about repowering, attachments, and more.
John Deere 455
Garden Tractor $4800

3 cylinder in line, water cooled 22 hp diesel with a mower deck, ready to go.
John Deere LX277 Lawn Tractor

V-twin 17 hp Kawasaki engine and foot control hydrostatic transmission. 48 inch mower deck.
John Deere F935

3 cylinder water cooled diesel engine, 72" front mount mower deck. This mower was $17,000 new. It is ready to go to work.
John Deere 317 Garden Tractor
Garden Tractor with rototiller
Has dual hydraulics, individual brakes, shaft drive hydrostatic transmission, 17 hp engine, includes PTO drive, hydraulic lift and roto tiller $2900
Many more garden tractors and
Lawn Mowers on the All Outdoor Power Equipment Page
Jim has a small Salvage yard of used "Vintage" tractors. It's not pretty, but handy for the hard to find older parts. |
If you are ready to buy or have any questions for Jim call Toll free: 1-800-618-8738 Cell: 651-208-7199 or e-mail jim@jimsrepairjimstractors.com .
Some nice words from Skip:
Last May, I traveled from Frankfort, Kansas to Hastings, Minnesota to pick up
a John Deere 300 series with a Brantly front end loader.
Since then, I have moved eight or nine tons of wood mulch, some rock, and little bit of dirt.
But, this year, we have had more snow than in probably the last ten years.
This little tractor and loader has come in real handy.
I told my wife that getting this tractor would be a lifesaver for my back.
I’m not going to tell her how much fun I’m having moving snow.
The only changes I’ve made to the tractor, was to have a blacksmith friend
of mine build a larger bracket for more rear end weight.
The tractor now carries about 900 pounds of steel.
I’ve recommended your shop to several folks who seem to be a bit jealous of my new equipment. |
Q: I have a Case 446 garden tractor that just started acting up .
I can start it up and it runs fine for a few minutes then the engine stops and the starter will not work to restart it for maybe 15 minutes, it acts like there is no electricity. After it sets for awhile it will start and run again for a few minutes. Do you have an answer to this problem and would you have needed repair parts to fix it?
A: Check and see if you have a circuit breaker in the line somewhere, they can trip and then they cool down a little and will work again.
Q: I'm in the process of rebuilding a 1973 John Deere 140 garden tractor. While researching this model, I've discovered that some have an engine disconnect clutch in addition to a neutral return connected to the clutch pedal and others only have the neutral return and no engine disconnect. Mine is the latter. Do you know why Deere included this feature on some tractors and not others and what are the advantages or disadvantages of having or not having this clutch?
A: The advantage to having that clutch was if you had a rototiller on it and hit a rock you could immediately release the complete power train. Without this clutch you have to reach behind and release the rototiller lever clutch.
Q: I have a 4X2 John Deere Gator and am interested in giving it more power. It works fine, but is just too slow. Any thoughts about what you can do?
A: Check and see if the primary clutch is closing all the way so that the belt comes up flush with the outer circumference of the sheaves. If it is not, then you are losing a lot of top miles per hour.
Q: I have a John Deere 216 lawn tractor and the rear end has broken teeth and is currently locked up, what other models might fit to avoid a costly rebuild so i can buy a used unit?
A: The tractors that will interchange are the John Deere 110, 112, 200, 208, 210, 212, 214, and 216.
Q: I currently have a John Deere 185 hydro lawn tractor with a 38" mower deck and I love it but it still takes an hour to mow the lawn. Although I just got the 38" snow thrower for it and it's the greatest thing since chopped bread. But I was wanting to move up so I was looking at a John Deere 425 garden tractor. So my question is, it a good garden tractor? Should I get a diesel or gas? How long has the John Deere 425 garden tractor been out? Does it take any good attachments other than a snow thrower? What should I look out for as problems and such with the 425?
A: The 425, 445, and 455 garden tractors are John Deere's Cadillacs made from 1993 through 2001. They are all good iron. These tractors take any attachments you would want to put on them, including a front end loader, which is a very useful attachment.
The diesel uses only 1/3 of the fuel compared to a gas burner. The longevity of a diesel engine is much better than a gas burning engine. The only disadvantage to the diesel is that it is more expensive, but then again, that could be money well spent.
Q: Jim, I've got an '87 John Deere 318 garden tractor and it is presenting me with an aggravating problem. For the first 30 minutes it runs perfect. Then, it will start to miss. The puzzling thing to me is it only misses when it is pointed downhill, turned to the right or the steering wheel turned to the stop in the right hand direction. It will not miss when going up a steep grade or tuning to the right going in this direction.
I've checked the float, although I didn't change anything, and the needle. Checked the wiring under the battery box. The + post pulled loose at this point and I changed batteries. The fuel pump will shoot a 6 foot stream.
A: What I think is happening is you have a valve seat donut that is loose or coming loose in the engine block. If this is happening or already has happened the bad new is that your engine is junk. Take and run it until it starts missing and at that time figure out which cylinder is missing. After you have that answer remove that cylinder head and turn the engine over until each valve is open and pry a little on the valve seat, and if that moves at all, you found your problem.
Q: I just recently bought a 1981 John Deere 317 garden tractor. It has a 20 horsepower Kohler engine in it. I was wondering if this tractor would be able to handle a front end loader?
A: Yes, your tractor will handle a loader with ease. I have a loader on a John Deere 140 and a loader on a John Deere 318 tractor and you should see either one of these 2 machines work.
Q: Do you know if a hood for a 420 will fit a 430?
A: No, these two hoods will not interchange with each other as they are quite different in length.
Q: I am looking for parts to convert my John Deere 317 garden tractor to power steering. It looks to me borrowing parts from a 400 would be an easier swap than trying a John Deere 318 setup. Would you have the parts I need? I would need a power steering valve, power steering cylinder, and an oil cooler. I want to convert the 317 to power steering because you will be installing a front end loader on it, any info or advice would be appreciated.
A: I think I would have all or most of those John Deere 400 components in stock, but this would be a high price package for these items. What I would suggest is that you go to an auto salvage yard and pick out some smaller power steering parts from a car and I think you might be able to get the job done for only about $300.
Q: I have a few questions for you.
1. Are there many features that the John Deere 400 garden tractors have that the 318's don't ?
2. Are there any John Deere 318 garden tractors that are better than other model years like the 150th anniversary ?
3. Did they make any 318's with differential lock or is the only way to get that by putting a different axle / transmission assembly on it ?
4. How do you go about putting a 3 point hitch on a 318. Are the hydraulics set up to
do that ?
5. It seems that you are very partial to the Vanguard engines, why is that ? Are they really that much better / different than others like Honda or any number of them? Just curious.
A: I take it you are talking about the John Deere 425. All of the John Deere 318 garden tractors are the same except they have 2 different model Onan engines. The P218 Onan that came out in 1987 is a better and more powerful engine. I have the John Deere 318 3 point hitch in stock. It's no problem to bolt it onto the John Deere 318.
To get your differential lock and two speed rear end you would have to come up with a John Deere 420, 430 rear end and you can reuse you old transmission.
The Vanguard engines do stand out from the rest, they are popular just like the small block Chevy was. The Honda is a clumsier engine. On some applications with the Honda I would have to cut or bend the frame. We can get all types of different exhaust systems for the Vanguard. The Vanguard parts are cheaper but best of all we can get parts without waiting.
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Q: I am the owner of a John Deere 420 garden tractor. I have been very happy with it since purchasing it used 6 years ago. Recently I have been having a problem with it losing power, shutting down, after running for about 20 minutes. After checking it I discovered the spark is not there. What could be causing this situation? I think it is down to the Ignition coil or stator, can you confirm this for me? It is a P220G with an electronic ignition.
A: It would not be the stator because that has nothing to do with the ignition system, and yes it can be the ignition coil and or the ignition module located inside the flywheel.
Follow up: Thank you for your help, it ended up being the ignition module located in the flywheel.
Q: I have a John Deere 318 garden tractor question. I have an opportunity to purchase a pretty much stock JD 318. Will this unit power a small rotary cutter, how about tugging a box blade or rock (landscape) rack?
A: Yes, this tractor powers the 50" blade deck in cutting down thick, tall weeds with ease. It will also handle a box blade or a wider regular blade. They are very nice tractors. I have always thought the John Deere 318's packed the most features and quality for the price.
Q: I am wanting to repower my 314 and I need some questions answered.
Will the 18hp Vanguard engine fit in a 314 JD tractor?? Have you ever done one of these swaps? Would I be better off with the 14hp instead of the 18hp engine?
A: Yes, you can put in either the 16 HP or the 18 HP. I have the engines and kits for both of them. when you get this job done this engine runs real smooth and will not be jumping around like the 1 cylinder Kohler.
Q: I have a used John Deere 322. When I step on the brakes it puts the transmission back in
neutral every time. Is this normal for JD 322? I just don't know. If it's normal that's
OK. All I want to know is this a problem or not. If it is a problem, I
would like to get it fixed adjusted.
A: When you step on one brake, only the hydrostatic lever should come back part way only.
If you have both pedals locked together and step them both down, then yes, it should
bring the hydro lever all the way back to neutral. This is all adjustable if not working
Looking for more Q&A's?
Repowering Garden Tractors and other equipment
Garden Tractor Attachments
Hydrostatic Transmission Rebuilding
Garden Tractors in general
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This one isn't for sale: This is Jim's shop tractor and it has
many modifications. Read about all the modifications

Small Tractors, Compact Tractors, Modified Tractors, Garden Tractor Pullers, Vintage Tractors, Gators