Bercomac Power Broom Details
The Bercomac power broom has the same Quick Hitch system as the other Bercomac attachments. We use them all of the time for thatching/aerating our lawn and removing the gravel that gets in our grass. When we have light snowfalls we use the power broom to move the snow and the slippery frost underneath the snow.
There is an optional debris collector
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Bercomac Power Broom Q&A's |
Bercomac Power broom is 19 x 47" wide. Brushes are 18" diameter x 44" wide, the sweeping width is 44" wide. Weight is 165 lbs. Northeast model weighs 190 lbs. |
The power broom can be angled from the driver’s seat with a handle located to the left of the driver. The broom Will angle 20° to the right or left. |
Pressure applied on the brush can be adjusted by a hand crank located on top of the power broom. |
6 inch dolly wheels support the weight of the brush to prolong the brush life and helps when using the power broom for lawn dethatching. |
A parking stand is included to keep the brush suspended and protected from damage when not in use.
The power broom has a 1 year residential warrantee on parts and labor
Subframe (mounting hitch) and
Drive Mechanism (required for certain model tractors) and
Adaptor (angling and mounting apparatus).
The Subframe has a quick hitch system for mounting, removing, and switching to other attachments on the same subframe such as blade or snowblower. There are 2 subframe models available for the Bercomac power broom.
Check out the 60" and 66" wide Utility vehicle power broom
Q: I have a John Deere L130 lawn tractor and I would like a broom for the front of it. Do you have something that would work?
A: Yes, we have a new Bercomac broom that fits your tractor.
Q: Will the Bercomac power broom fit a 2003 Toro Wheel Horse 315-8 lawn tractor with a horizontal PTO?
A: Yes, the Bercomac power broom will fit right on your tractor. The 2 stage snowblower and 48" push blade will also.
Q: I'm wondering if you sell the Bercomac power broom without the subframe. I have an 1988 John Deere 318 garden tractor with the Bercomac 44" snowblower model 700211-1 (which I absolutely love). The snowblower has the full length subframe and I'd hate to pay for another one when the broom will slip right onto the current subframe. Also it looks like the broom's angling kit is the same kit used for rotating the chute on the snowblower. Correct?
If this is a possibility, what would the broom, parking stand, etc. (no optional debris catcher please) cost. Also, while "we're at it", I've never seen details/pictures about the electric chute and deflector kit.
A: Yes, we have the Berco broom, new in the crate, and you are correct, you will not have to buy the subframe again. We currently do not have the cheaper nylon brush type in stock. We do have the more expensive poly brush type new and in stock. For either broom you will also need a pulley kit, we have that in stock too.
Yes, they make an electric chute and electric deflector kit. It looks like car electric window motors, a little gear reduction box, and of course there are 2 of them. One operates the deflector, the other the chute. Then you have 2 electric toggle switches to individually operate each subject.
This Bercomac power broom fits on many different makes and models of tractors, Call 1-800-618-8738 or e-mail jim@jimsrepairjimstractors.com for more details on your tractor model. |
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