Grasshopper Mower - Repower - Zero Turn Mower
Our customer brought this Zero Turn Grasshopper mower in to our shop because it tired out after just a short time of mowing. He really likes the zero turn mower and how it cuts the grass, so he was more than happy to repower it it get it back to work.
The Grasshopper model 1210 mower had a 12 Horse Power Kohler K301S engine and we repowered it with a 16 HP Vanguard engine. This zero turn model 1210 Grasshopper mower was manufactured in the mid 1980's. |

If you are considering repowering your own lawn mower, call us: 1-800-618-8738 or email jim@jimsrepairjimstractors.com We're happy to talk if over with you and let you know your options and the costs involved. |
Repower Grasshopper Zero Turn Mower
Questions and Answers
Q: I have a old Grasshopper zero-turn front-mount mower, model 411 and it has a Briggs I/C 11hp, single cylinder, horizontal shaft motor in it. I bought it used 4 years ago and recently it has been having problems with the engine. I've had the cylinder head off to find a blown head gasket, mush-roomed exhaust valve, and the exhaust valve seat loose in the cylinder. Along with that, much evidence of someone that did not know what they were doing has been into this engine. Also, this mower has the vacuum grass catcher unit on it and the 11 hp really struggles to run the mower and the vacuum. I was wondering if you could tell me if a 14 hp Vanguard engine has the same engine mounting hole sizes, same shaft diameter, and same shaft to engine mounting location as the 11 hp I/C engine? Also, is the Vanguard engine about the same physical size as the 11 hp I/C engine? I ask this for the engine mounts low in the chassis on this mower and the entire engine/drive-train is enclosed under the bodywork of this mower. I only have about an inch to play with in each direction. The I/C has the gas tank mounted to the engine and it's about a 2.5 gallon tank so, I do have that space to play with, for I could mount the fuel tank elsewhere.
A: Yes this can all happen with the V Twin Vanguard engine. The Vanguard shaft is 1". I have all types of different exhaust systems available. This is a more complicated job to do than putting the same thing back in. We just got done doing a Grasshopper that had a 12 HP Kohler in it. |
Zero Turn Mower Repower - Grasshopper
